Did you know?

I’m taking the opportunity to write this blog to inform you of some facts and previous history of the Tampa Bay Rays. Did you know that they weren’t always called the Rays? The original name was the Tampa Bay Devil Rays, which was switched in 2007 to try and reinvent the Rays and start off fresh. Not only did the name change, but the colors changed as well. Navy blue and light blue replaced the green and black as the primary colors. And it worked! The Rays won the World Series the very next year in 2008 defeating the Philadelphia Phillies in a best of 7 game series. Do you know who the highest paid Rays player is? It’s Evan Longoria.  He signed a 15 year contract for 144.5 million dollars. The 2nd highest paid Rays player is Kevin Kiermaire with a 6 year contract for 53 million. Both of those men have special roles on the team and are both two key components to the team’s success this year. Kevin Cash has been the manager of the Rays since 2015, and will continue to manage them at least through the 2018 season and possibly longer. Those are just a few fun facts about the Rays. Thank you for taking an interest in reading my blog post.